Voyager Loader

Aims and Objects

The Aims and Objects of the Trust are briefly specified herein below and the benefit thereof shall be extended to the public at large irrespective of class, community, cast, creed, color or religion. The Trustees shall hold the Trust Funds Upon Trust (so that as far as practicable the corpus shall always remain intact and only the income thereof shall be used, but with the liberty to the Trustee at their discretion to use the corpus from time to time either wholly or in part or parts) for the public charitable purposes including:–

1. Medical Relief. 

2. Education.

3. Yoga

4. Relief of poverty.

5. Advancement of any other object of general public utility.

The beneficiaries of various activities of the Society, prima facie all those who needs services, rendered by the various institutions run by the  Society, besides to protect the interest of the students coming from Malayali community having Malayali linguistic minorities by reserving equipped percentage as decided from time to time by the Society (Under the guidance of the appropriate authorities) of the total facilities available with various institutions of the Society for different activities and then shall be extended to the public at large irrespective of class, community, cast, creed, color or religion. 

PROVIDED that the income as well as corpus shall be applied only towards the public charitable purposes aforesaid and any accumulation of income thereof shall also be made and deemed to be made for the application of the public charitable purposes as aforesaid.

PROVIDED FURTHER THAT NOTWITHSTANDING anything hereinbefore or hereinafter contained, the income as also the corpus of the Trust  Funds shall be applied and be applicable only to or for such public charitable purpose and objects and subject to such conditions, restrictions and/or limitation, if any, as may, from time to time to be laid down in the Income Tax Act, 1961 or any other Act governing the Taxation of Income as will ensure or make the Trust and its income as eligible for exemption from Taxation under the Income Tax Act, 1961 or any replacement or re-enactment thereof or modification thereof or under any other Government Taxation for the time being force in India without effecting the generality of the foregoing object or purposes, but subject as aforesaid, IT IS DECLARED that the Trustees shall, in each year, apply the income of the Trust Funds and may, at the discretion, at any time or from time to time, apply also the Trust Funds or any part or parts of the Trusts Funds on any one or more of the following object or purposes in such proportion and manner in all respect as a Trustees may, in their absolute direction, think proper, that is to say :-

A.             EDUCATION : -

i.                To establish, control, direct, take over, conduct, supervise, develop and manage and /or assist or join in any such establishment for management of schools, colleges, institutions and bodies for giving or imparting any kind of education and training including without prejudice to the generality and in particular primary, secondary and higher academicals in all branches to the deserving and needy students of all communities without discrimination on the ground of caste, class, color, creed, religion or sex.

     ii.        To establish, construction, maintenance or supports of boarding schools, orphanage schools, special schools, hostels etc, however all these without any profit motive.

    iii.        To award scholarship and fellowship on such terms and conditions as the Trustees may think for the purpose of understanding prosecuting and encouraging higher studies.

    iv.        To sponsor, organize, aid and arrange public lectures, discourses or discussions anywhere needed as may be approved by the Trustees for advancement of any one or more of the objects of the Trust.

     v.        To print, publish and/or purchase books, periodicals, magazines articles papers thesis, correspondence course, lesson courses, or any other courses intended to promote and impart education, literature and cultural etc., and develop software for this purpose, however all these without any profit motive.

    vi.        To provide free notebooks, free textbooks, free uniforms, pay school fees, tuition fees, grant scholarships and prizes and/or financial assistance in any manner decided by the Trustees to deserving students.

   vii.        To maintain, support or otherwise establish or acquire libraries, reading rooms, halls, auditoriums and structures for any of the objects and purposes of this Trust and or for any such festive occasions, exhibitions or seminars or essay or elocution competitions.

  viii.        For any one or more of the objects mentioned in these presents to establish and support institutions, universities, colleges, museums, hostels, lodging and boarding facilities, canteens and any activities allied to its objects, however all these without any profit motive.

    ix.        To contribute to any other Trust or institution established for objects similar those of this Trust or any one of them.

     x.        The Trust shall establish, found, construct, maintain and assist in the promotion of institutions for the scientific, technological, agricultural and industrial training and Information Technology centers for economic progress and development of the country and carry out research in various fields for these purposes.

    xi.        The Trust shall do all such other lawful things as may be incidental to or conducive to the attainment of its objects.

   xii.        To encourage, support, assist the deserving students traveling for higher studies in all possible manner as may be determined from time to time and on the merits of each separate case.

  xiii.        To affiliate with the leading institutes in the field of Yoga Training and or establish an institution recognized by the any Government and give recognition to the students pass through training under them and do all such other lawful things as may be incidental to or conducive to the attainment of its objects.. 

  xiv.         Potential ability to perform at an exceptionally high level in general intellectual aptitude, specific academic aptitude, creative or divergent thinking, psychosocial or leadership skills, or in the visual or performing arts. KRS 157.224(1) commits the state to a comprehensive educational program for its exceptional school-aged children. KRS 157.230 requires all school districts to operate programs for resident exceptional children, primary - grade twelve (12). This administrative regulation establishes the requirements for programs for gifted and talented students.

B.    MEDICAL : - 

  xiv.        Rendering medical assistance of all kind to the poor and the needy. Medical assistance will include conventional and non-conventional methods of treatment like Allopathic treatment, Yoga, Homeopathy and also very lesser known therapies. 

   xv.        To establish, maintain and support to hospitals, dispensaries, medical clinics, family planning centers, centers for Cancer, Aids, Asylums and Institutions with facilities for the free boarding and lodging, convalescent homes, orphanages, homes for widows or destitute women, child welfare activities, pediatric care and/or to contribute to any Trust or Institution established for the said purposes or any one or more of them.

  xvi.        To promote and assist benevolent and philanthropic institutions or persons carrying on such activities conducive to the welfare of humanity.

 xvii.        To undertake and carry into effect or assist and encourage in any manner whatsoever any activity, project scheme or program intended for improve the health of the people and giving other assistance to such needy people.

xviii.        To provide free medicine, supply nutrition foods to the needy / deserving persons, reimburse their medical/hospital bills and or any other financial assistance in any manner to deserving people at large.

xviii.                To open drug bank, blood bank and carry out such other allied activities in medical care and services without profit motive and to open health centers for educating public about types of diseases and their prevention measure and also give monetary or advisory help for such acts.

   xx.        To supply drugs, hearing aids, wheel chairs for handicapped and other medical appliance to the needy people and operation theatre equipment’s or any surgical or medical equipment, appliance to any institutions running medical activities

  xxi.        To maintain ambulance services, mobile dispensaries and to organize medical diagnosis, clinical and surgical aid camps. 

 xxii.        To encourage medical education, arrange medical seminars, workshops and conferences for specific diseases, medical research and family planning. 


i.                To make monthly, quarterly or other periodically or lump sums contribution to the poor and needy person for their daily needs/survival.

ii.                To provide relief In cash or kind for all class of deserving people in times of natural calamities, emergency scarcities, havoc of floods, fire, famine, earthquake and / or other calamities like civil commotion, riots, war or force measures and the like. 

iii.                To rehabilitation of the underprivileged and render assistance in the field of providing shelters/housing to poor and needy people.

iv.                To establish or render help to any institution for alleviation of human suffering.


i.                To undertake any type of charitable as specified in Schedule VII to the Companies Act, 2013 with regard to projects and programs covered under Corporate Social Responsibility including any activities as may be specified further by any such amendments to the law in times to come.


i.                To encourage sports including setting up of Health centers, Sports centers and all other activities incidental thereto.

ii.                To promote environmental awareness and safeguard the global environment and to that end carry on such activities as may be necessary.

iii.                To undertake activities, or assist in the undertaking of activities relating to the care and welfare of all other living species in this world, such as animal, birds, trees, plants, etc. 

iv.                To undertake or provide all possible assistance in case of death, including the performance of death ceremonies, the proper disposal of death bodies, performance of death obsequies and ceremonies relating to dead.

v.                To assist infrastructure improvement for public at large.

vi.                To organize social and cultural programs and other functional gatherings like Independence Day, Republic Day and many more auspicious days and festive occasions. 

vii.                Disaster Management in all forms.


i.                To organize activities and to establish and maintain institutions for cultural, intellectual, physical, educational, medical and economic advancement for the benefit of its members, their families in particular and the public at large in general.

ii.                To unite all Malayalees residing in the Samajam’s area of operation (i.e. Borivali, Kandivli and Dahisar in the Western Suburbs of Mumbai) and foster friendship and co-operation amongst the members and all sections of the Society. 

It is specifically provided that the Trustees shall do all such objects mentioned herein above which falls in the nature of charitable activity as defined under the Income Tax Act, 1961 and the Maharashtra Public Trust Act, 1950 or any other law for the time being in force and or other such lawful activities as may be allied and or incidental to or conducive to the attainment of its objects laid under the said act.  

It is further provided and clarified that any of the following objects, even though if it is sounding of a commercial nature, but it shall not be of a commercial nature and shall be incidental or conductive to effectuating the foregoing purpose and that such activity is undertaken in the course of actual carrying out of advancement of any other object of general public utility. 



It is specifically provided that the Trustees shall do all such objects mentioned herein above which falls in the nature of charitable activity as defined under the Income Tax Act, 1961 and the Maharashtra Public Trust Act, 1950 or any other law for the time being in force and or other such lawful activities as may be allied and or incidental to or conducive to the attainment of its objects laid under the said act.  

It is further provided and clarified that any of the following objects, even though if it is sounding of a commercial nature, but it shall not be of a commercial nature and shall be incidental or conductive to effectuating the foregoing purpose and that such activity is undertaken in the course of actual carrying out of advancement of any other object of general public utility. 

   AND the Trustees shall do all other act and things necessary for or incidental or conductive to effectuating the foregoing purpose for which would further or fulfill the objectives mentioned here before. The Trustees shall have power to add, alter or amend any object of general public utility to the objects hereinbefore set out and provided that none of the activities mentioned herein above in the object clause shall be with profit motive; however any surplus generated from any such activities shall be ploughed back in the Trust and can never be distributed as dividend to anyone.